Strength-Based Workshops for Positive Wellbeing in Schools
Helping over 100,000 students to discover & live their top 5 strengths
Now over 100,000 students have discovered strengths!!
Many teenagers are having an
identity crisis.
Everyday they are wrestling with 3 big questions:
Who am I?
Do I like myself?
Will I be OK in my future?
So many know their weaknesses, few know their strengths.
Watch how MyStrengths has helped over 100,000 Australian teens to discover and live their strengths
Schools are required to implement a strengths-based approach.
But where do you even start?
Students who attend our workshop self-report that:
Hear what educators have to say about MyStrengths:
Carolyn Heinz
Travis Mauvae
Avryl Queffert
3 Simple Steps
to get MyStrengths into your school:
Schedule a Meeting
Run MyStrengths Programs
Become a
Strengths-Based School
School workshops for stage 4-5-6 students
Year 7-8
Going into high school is a huge transition. Students feel overwhelmed and ill-equipped to face the challenges ahead.
MyResilience takes an early-intervention approach:
- Every student discovers their top 5 character strengths
- A set of take-home strengths cards
- Negative vs. positive self talk
- Dealing with bullying
Year 9-10
75% of teens admit to feelings of depression, anxiety and/or low self esteem. Suicide & self harm is on the rise.
MyStrengths moves students from self-doubt to self-assurance:
- Every student discovers their top 5 strengths
- Schools get complete strength & wellbeing profiles for every student
- Take home strength cards and parent pack
- Small group engagement & 1-1 consultation
Year 10-11
66% of 16 year olds report significant stress and angst about their future.
MyFuture is a follow up to MyStrengths and gives teens:
- A personal goal setting journal
- How to face hardship
- Building a growth mindset
- MyStrengths refresher
- Career insights
We help you make data-driven decisions for effective wellbeing programs.
Wouldn’t you love to have a wellbeing profile for each of your students?
We make that happen by recording all the data gathered from our strengths-finder and wellbeing survey into a reporting dashboard.
This allows your school to access a full suite of insights, reports, graphs and trends on student strengths and wellbeing.
Your reporting dashboard can track patterns and growth over time. This data can even be presented to parents and the school community.
What is a Strengths-Based approach?
Across Australia, school wellbeing frameworks and curriculums are increasingly being informed by a strengths-based approach. This positive psychology methodology recognises that all students have strengths and abilities that need to be nurtured. Teachers and school leaders are encouraged to help students discover knowledge and understanding about themselves.
The Department of Education is taking a shift away from a more traditional ‘deficit-based’ view of listing what is wrong with a student and their learning. In contrast a strength-based wellbeing approach focuses on the opportunities to help students to grow in their cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development.
Everyone has a part to play: the school community, parents, executives, teachers and students at creating a safe, resilient, respectful, and supportive environment. This allows students to connect, thrive and succeed. Student wellbeing is enhanced when schools draw on their own expertise and the expertise of those in the community.
Dan Hardie,
Teen Counsellor
Founder, MyStrengths
Students are so aware of their weaknesses, but how many know their strengths?
In my work as a counsellor I often meet with youth who have long been defined by negative labels: ADHD, anxiety, depression and more.
Sure they might get some strategies to deal with this, but rarely is there a long-lasting shift in self-esteem, confidence and self-love that so many need. This is heartbreaking.
That is why I created MyStrengths. A framework for schools and parents to give teens positive understanding of themselves, allowing them to discover and become defined by their strengths.
Download our Free PDF: 2021 Youth Wellbeing Report
See your students become confident, clear, & accepting.