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About Us

MyStrengths’ mission is to help every Australian teenager discover and live their top 5 strengths.

The 95,000 students who have completed the MyStrengths Assessment self report that:


accurately discovered their top 5 strengths


became more accepting of their peers


grew in confidence and self-esteem

Dan Hardie,
Teen Counsellor
Founder, MyStrengths

Meet the founder of MyStrengths

With a Counselling degree majoring in Positive Psychology, Dan has been an adolescent therapist for over 13 years.

After working with hundreds of teenagers, Dan Hardie saw too many young people who could only describe themselves by negative labels: dumb, nerdy, bossy, too loud, too quiet.

He discovered that genuine and lasting change only occurred when positive self-esteem and confidence was built. That is why he created MyStrengths. To help adolescents understand their strengths and reframe their perceived weaknesses.

Dan and the MyStrengths team want to see a world where every young person genuinely likes themselves.

So many know their weaknesses, but how many know their strengths?

Teen mental health is at a crisis point. Something needs to change.

MyStrengths is a framework to give adolescents a new way of seeing themselves. We help peel off the negative labels and replace them with true and affirming language.

“Where psychology diagnoses what’s wrong with people, MyStrengths diagnoses what is right with people.”

Our MyStrengths assessment is the world’s first strengths-finder tool designed specifically for teens. Alongside our school programs and staff workshops, everything we do is designed to help support students to grow in self-acceptance, confidence, and hope for the future.

Meet the MyStrengths team

Dan Hardie

Founder of MyStrengths
Top 5 strengths: Visionary, Strategic, Charismatic, Hard Working, Positivity

I meet so many young people who have incredible gifts, talents, abilities that should be named and celebrated. The Visionary in me wants to enable every Aussie teen to discover their Top 5 strengths.

Janelle Kerkmez

Coordinator & Finance Manager

Top 5 strengths: Responsibility, Purpose, Fairness, Positivity, Managing

Sure, I love to organise, manage and sort, but it has to make a difference. It’s the Purpose and Managing strengths that come together to make MyStrengths the right place for me.

Ebony Basher

Schools Director
Top 5 strengths: Purpose, Expressive, Charismatic, Fairness, Practical

I find it easy to connect with people. Both Charismatic and Expressive strengths get a workout when I’m talking with teens, training educators or just telling a funny story!

Jools Hardie

Co-Founder/School Booking Manager
Top 5 strengths: Purpose, Structured, Memory, Lead, Inner Values

The Structured part of me helps limit the chaos of 3 kids, busy home, a great job and lots of passions and interests. I plan, organise and make it work.

Paul Smith

School Booking Manager
Top 5 strengths: Coaching, Understanding, Positivity, Helper, Inner Values

I don’t need to be up front or running the show. I’d much rather sit with someone and hear their story, cheer them on and help one-on-one.

Tahleah Maumau

Team Leader/ School Booking Manager
Top 5 strengths: Coaching, Charismatic, Responsibility, Fairness, Positivity

My Fairness strength has always driven my life and work. It’s the people who rarely get a fair go that I want to champion and help. No one should miss out.


Sally Tran

Customer & Admin Support

Top 5 strengths: Positivity, Understanding, Fairness, Hard Working, Strategic

I’m studying Psychology because I love being part of the solution. That’s probably why I also enjoy resolving business problems for schools, parents, enquiries and more! 

Enid Macias

Strengths Coach/Team Leader
Top 5 strengths: Solution Finder, Hard Working, Determination, Purpose, Investigator

I love that we get to help teenagers shift their brain from what’s wrong to what’s right. I need to do things that are Purposeful – we only get one life!

Diego Luna

Strengths Coach/Team Leader

Top 5 strengths: Charismatic, Solution Finder, Excelling, Understanding, Recognition

My fun and energetic nature might make me seem like an easy-going guy but am actually a highly driven person, exercising my Excelling & Recognition strengths to strive in life.

3 Simple Steps
to get MyStrengths into your school:


Schedule a Meeting

We work with you to deliver programs that suit your aim, timeframe and budget.


Run MyStrengths Programs

Witness the positive changes among students and equip teachers with data and insights to advance well-being.


Become a
Strengths-Based School

Training and resources for students, teachers, and parents. Integrate positive wellbeing into your entire school community.

We are based in Sydney, but we serve schools right across the country (even as far as Karratha!)

Some training events are held in our MyStrengths training rooms:

Eton Arcade,
Shop 14/754-756 Old Princes Hwy,
Sutherland NSW 2232

Every Australian teenager deserves to discover their top 5 strengths.